I'm always amazed at how each and every week always seem to be full of Not Me! moments. God certainly has a sense of humor and blesses us with the humor in our lives (albeit, sometimes we don't see the humor in it until later) to get us through all those tough moments of diapers, vomit, tantrums, and downright embarrassing moments. The past few weeks have been no different.
It certainly was not me who bribed my kids with gum today in return for good behavior while with the babysitter so I could work at the church today. Not Me! My kids are always on their best behavior and never need an incentive to not act like the sweet, precious toddlers they are.
It also wasn't me who intentionally gave them gum knowing I had to run by the jewelry store to pick up my ring I had repaired so that I could use it as another incentive for them to listen (ie. something like this: "Stand right here and don't move. If you run off, I'll take your gum away.") No one does that, right? And certainly Not Me!
I'm such an excellent bowler that I certainly did not lose to my 2 year old when we went bowling for Daddy's birthday (with the guards up). Oh no, Not Me! Maybe I can just say I wanted him to feel good about his game..... boy do I wish that were the truth. Haha!
I most certainly did not go to get Eli after his nap time only to find he had taken his diaper off and decided it would be fun to run all his trucks and trains through his poop. Oh no, Not Me! Eli always keeps his diaper on. I then did not proceed to just throw trucks away rather than attempt to clean the disgustingness off of them. Oh no, Not Me! I'm always such a good steward of money that I take the time to clean poop out of of the grooves of the tires on toys...
It really wasn't me who left both my kids out of town with their grandparents this week and didn't even say goodbye to Eli in an effort to avoid him going ballistic because he's such a Momma's Boy. Oh no, Not Me!
After being away from my kiddos, I certainly did not skip out on Girl's Night with a devotional and spa time (that I desperately needed) while out of town for the Race for the Cure just so I could go see my kiddos. I mean, who skips Girl's Night? And who then lets their kids stay up until 10:30 playing Monsters with Papa just because they missed them? Certainly Not Me! Note: I'd do it again! It was good to have a break but oh so precious to see them again and have them back home with me.
It really wasn't me who initiated a game of Quiet Water, Still Water in an attempt for a moment of solace on the way home from getting the kids and participating in the Race for the Cure. I mean, who does that knowing that Eli has no idea what the game is about but that if Anna will be quiet, so will he? Really, Not Me!
While rushing to get ready for church yesterday, it most definitely wasn't me who discovered the kids knocked the cinnamon roll icing off the counter and into the floor and then not wanting to figure something else out just got a knife and scraped it back into the container. Oh no, Not Me! I then certainly did not have my husband come ask me if it was my hair that he had found on his cinnamon roll and have to explain to him what I had done. Oh yeah.... Not Me!
And last but not least. While at a college football game, my son absolutely did not point to a rather large woman's plumbers crack and say "Poo Poo?? Mommy, poo poo??!" And then I did not proceed to die of embarrassment knowing good and well that if my husband and sister heard him that she did too. Oh No, pppllleeease say it wasn't me!
What have you not been doing this week? Join the bloggy carnival at http://www.mycharmingkids.net/
Great Not Me's! I have never thrown away toys just because I didn't want to clean them either! And I missed Girls Night Out this week because I was volunteering at the kids fall festival!!